Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My 2nd Book (part two of a series) and a milestone

So my second-novel-in-the-works is part of a series, We're Only Human  (kindle and paperback) being part 1.

That alone is big news, right? A series!!!


So I've got TERRIBLE writer's block!!! And of course it comes at a time when my house is spic and span and it's too hot outside to go outside, so I've got all this time to write!

I have ideas of what to write. I know X,Y, and Z need to happen in my book, but I go to write it and it comes out as gobbledy gook......

"uhh....X and Y like date and stuff, somehow, blah blah romance, oh i love you, let's set a date for marriage, oh we're getting married, happily ever after, first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage"

Yep, that is honestly how bad off I am!

attempt at Vegas-styling. 300 pages!
But wait, I am not here to complain. Well, maybe a little, but my point is....
If Georgia size 12 font (ermagherd it looks huge) and 1.5 spacing is "right" for a book (compared to my teeny-tiny print in We're Only Human) then....

I am missing huge chunks of my novel and yet I have reached 300 pages!!!! Can't blogger make that blink and dance Vegas style? Sure, f in my teeny-tiny font of #1 in the series, then #2 would be less than 300 pages but I'm proud of my accomplishment.

Now if only I could shove away the writer's block!!! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but apparently He isn't having me write much these days. Sigh.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


I am sloooooowly working on writing my second novel which incorporates a few characters from We're Only Human. Who, you ask, is in the second book? Well a girl never tells...

I am still in the writing process, which is actually the shortest process - editing takes the most time and formatting isn't a breeze, so I don't have an expected publishing date. I'd love to publish around Christmas but I'm thinking it will take longer, some time next year...sorry folks! I have a full plate aside from writing/editing/formatting/publishing.

Nonetheless, would you like to read an excerpt from my second novel? Here it is! (It will likely change a little as I edit, so if you buy my second book you may see a few changes.)

My first substantial memory was of the clanking of tin and sweltering heat. I can also vividly remember spider-like green vines tickling me as I spun the globe. I was ecstatic. It was finally my turn to spin-and-choose and my heart was beating fast. 
I must have subconsciously recalled seeing the globe spin before. Spinning of the globe was something we’d end up doing for many more years, chasing the globe for something I could never put my finger on. I’m not even certain where we lived before this time, other than I can surmise it was somewhere foreign, given my dad’s remark about not needing to learn a new language in Illinois. I guess I should ask, but it never occurred to me to do so. All I knew is I was born in Florida according to my birth certificate, visited Harry in the desert Southwest, and ended up in Illinois and then some.
I was barely old enough to hop the threshold from Aunty Harry’s trailer to her lopsided tin-and-plastic greenhouse, but I was adamant upon making it over by myself. I was big enough to spin the globe, so I had to be big enough to cross over. The heat and stale smell assaulted my senses as I hopped inside. My dad placed the Bible atop the torn naugahyde stool, giving me just enough height to reach the table and globe. “Go on, Karen,” coaxed my dad. I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer. I licked my lips twice for good luck and touched my hands to the bumpy-smooth surface of the globe, wiggling my elbow out and back in to whirl the globe. My finger trailed in zigzags as the revolutions slowed to a stop. 
Dad peered over my shoulder. “Presto Change-oh, we’re…well, no need to learn a new language, but an adventure is an adventure right? Illinois is it, I think Illinois is right there.” He squinted at the globe and nodded. “Well, Karen, it is what it is and meant to be, God willing. We will leave tomorrow, Harry. Thanks for having us.”
Harry’s place was our family epicenter, a place we always returned to, a place as close to what someone might call “home”, a foreign concept to me at that age. Harry had married young and sudden, one of those love at first sight things. He took her for all she had and ended up in prison for fraud, a family story no one spoke of, and now Harry lived where she did, too prideful to dip into the family trust. She was a proud “desert rat aristocrat” who owned “ten acres of luxuriously dead dirt” and a little pond she siphoned illegally off the aqueduct. Dad said Harry was much more “normal” as a child, but never wanted to flaunt the family name or wealth even then. Somehow, something set her “off the deep end, forever”. Perhaps it was her dad’s death or the divorce from her prisoner husband, who knew, as it all happened before I came about. In retrospect, her batty ways were probably just a life-long rebellion against her upbringing.
I don’t know what dad did for a job, he never told us and still refuses to; I imagined as a child that he was a clandestine secret agent, but as a teen I decided he simply lived off the family trust while working such embarrassing jobs as panty liner manufacturer, or stool softener tester. Whatever it is that he did, only he knows, but either his career or trust fund and inheritance allowed him to work from anywhere, doing odd jobs not much more regal than a stool softener tester. However, I did find out what dad did when I overheard a conversation I shouldn’t have, but without and proof, I can still assuredly state I haven’t a clue what dad did aside from odd jobs. While we didn’t live a posh life, his odd jobs couldn’t possibly have supported us the way they did, and like Harry, he refused to dip into the family trust.

Why am I thinking, now, about that silly globe? Well, I too would end up following in my dad’s footsteps, circumnavigating the world in search of something, what I didn’t know, but it was something I’d found and lost before.

Congrats Winners!!

I had over 550 people enter my GoodReads giveaway, but the joy is His not mine. I kept praying about it an it came to fruition.

So, congrats Frank S. of PA, Jackie W. of WA, and Samantha M of KY; your books will be sent out tomorrow.

Thank you ALL who entered, supported me, spread the word, etc.

If you didn't win, the kindle version is cheap  (if that's your "thing"...so many prefer real books, I don't blame you) just $2.99!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Giveaway, Cheap Download, Art Fair....

My goodreads giveaway ends very very soon, https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/233862-we-re-only-human   and already 490 people have entered. Goodreads doesn't allow you to thank those who entered so....

To all who entered, thank you!!!

I find out who wins (3 winners) tonight. To those who do not win, or to anyone wanting to read my book "on the cheap", it is $2.99 on Kindle.

Don't have an amazon fire/kindle? No prob, Bob! Kindle works on most android devices via an app download, and even some laptops allow such.

I feel blessed to have 490 interested readers but I'm not bragging per se...I truly believe God helped orchestrate my novel.

I also got a second review of my book; I was fortunate to meet the author. I bought this book for my granddaughter going through a hard time with drug addiction. I found it extremely inspirational

I also enjoyed Corks&Hops, a local foodie/alcohol/artisan fair and hope to do another; the dates are the first Saturdays of June (ding ding done), July, August, September. If any readers are local and have a date preference let me know.

It was truly a neat experience being a vendor. I saw a lot of people I knew, good friends, so it was like a holiday party / reunion out in the street! I met a lot of my Christian friends and fellow church buddies including my pastor and his wife and the "sub" pastor and his wife. I really felt supported and loved.


I gave love. I spoke openly to people, even nonbelievers! Usually if someone said "eww, ugh, Christian stuff..." I'd kowtow and go, "Eh yeah I get you". Nope. I said, openly, I am Christian and this book is about God's grace and love, not damnation. Did I  change minds? Nope. But I stuck to my guns. I also spoke and encouraged many believers.

God is good, all the time!


As you may see, I published my second novel and named my series (Lilies of the Field). I am so very slowly working on book #3. I'm doi...