Thursday, May 4, 2017

Mother's Day Wish

I realized Mother's Day is upon us soon and usually my husband asks what I might like.


I want readers, as in, people who buy and read (and hopefully love and review) my book.

Selfish and sad, I know. But hey, ask what I want and I'll say it.

See, I'm not into jewelry, makeup, clothing, wine...

I live a blessed life and have all my needs and many wants met.

I can't make world peace happen....


I want readers. I don't need fame; I don't need to be the next J.K. Rowling or Stephen King, as my fame is not here on earth and anything I do is in His glory..

It's just...I want readers. I always have questions as I read a novel and I want to meet the author and just chat forever. Well now I'm an author and I'd love to reciprocate and tell you all about my novel, my characters, my motivations and influences, my innermost dreams and my walk with Christ. I want to know about you, too.

I feel like God helped me write my novel and so I know He has a purpose for it even if it isn't clear to me yet. I'd love for it to be revealed.

His words, spoken to me and through me, will soon reverberate and resonate and matter...

On a related note, within the next year I will share my testimony at church! Oh, my testimony could be its own book so I had to edit a lot out to make it a soon-to-be brief blurb at church, but I'm excited because I hope my testimony moves someone. God gives us a story  (our testimony) in order to tell it to the world, to testify to His glory and bring more into his loving arms. God saves!

And so...if any fans ever want to share their testimony, I'm all ears, and lucky for you it will be virtual as I turn into a crying mess at every testimony, but they're tears of joy.

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