Saturday, May 6, 2017

I'm Appearing in Public

Ok, I often appear in public, grocery shopping and the like...but I got my first "gig" I guess you could say.

I've prayed and prayed about it. As a struggling writer (c'mon book purchases and reviews, c'mon already) I want to get my word out there, literally and figuratively. Being an indie writer means you aren't media-famous like Jackie Collins or whomever. You sit and wait and that's about it.

But enough whining.

I prayed about how to "get out there" and kept drawing blanks. My community is small and the nearest independent book store is an hour away; the next closest ones are 1.5 hours without traffic-making them 3 hours away in reality. So people suggested I try art faires and the like, but even then the only one within an hour isn't too pricey to join, but you have to get a handful of permits and jump hoops and red tape and stuff. It was as if I were on a remote island, crewing out "buy my book! Come meet me!" but even the birds were on more populated islands.


I'm at the grocery store and see a pile of paper by the empty cash register near the carts. I'm never into advertisements or junk mail or anything so it is weird that I gravitate towards the papers.

They are advertising an art and wine festival in my town during summer.


I am full of self-doubt and procrastinate a few days before...
I sign up.

I got "in"! I'm going to be a vendor!

I can network with other local artisans and the like, support my community, hang out, promote my book, chat with fellow bookworms....ippee!

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