Saturday, April 29, 2017

My Second Novel is in the Works!

It's official! I am writing my second novel.

I don't want to give too many spoilers about my second novel, so I'm withholding the title and characters.

But pssst....I'll let you in on a secret or two.

Some of the characters from We're Only Human will be in "Novel #2" as I'll call it for now.

It follows similar theme of connectedness, faith, and the ins and outs of life.

Sure, I have a TON to still write, but I've already written 58,000 words!  That's about 140 pages give or take.

I've got to add all the loose ends and missing story lines in of course, but I'm in the realms of good old writer's block. I know what I'm going to write but it comes out in "caveman" such as, "Susan liked him. They got married. Everyone is happy." Yeah...not so good.

And then comes editing and more editing and more editing. I think I edited We're Only Human what...twelve times? Twenty times? Twenty-three sticks out to me, but really I lost count.

So I haven't a clue when Novel #2 will be out but I assure you it will be published.

Here's a sneak peek... (copyrighted)
But he, Satan, doesn’t start out like that or else we’d be scared away for certain. He creeps in, unnoticed, disguising himself as your own thoughts and perspectives. He is that which tells you to doubt yourself or question your loved ones; he is the one who tells you any chaos or pain in life is normal, that stability is all but stable and chaos is order. He plants tiny seeds, undetected, which grow into humongous beasts that eat you alive. The worst part is, you like those beasts. They’re predatory but it is a symbiotic relationship between you and beast, you need one another.


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As you may see, I published my second novel and named my series (Lilies of the Field). I am so very slowly working on book #3. I'm doi...